The comic isn't directly about my situation though - it's more a comment on the general status quo of the game. Once I broke out of the "raiding > all" mindset, I took a look at the actual game I was playing. I compared it with other games. And I realised that the real, deep down reason I don't want to quit completely has nothing at all to do with the content, or the lore, or the OMGPURPLZ, or the game itself. Purely and simply my guild has become a part of my social circle, these people are my friends now, and I'm a loyal kind of guy. I can't just walk off and leave them, I care about them.
And that's how they keep you hooked, isn't it. That's the real genius. Blizzard can afford to basically do as much or as little as they want, the social aspect of this game will almost guarantee an ongoing multimillion dollar revenue stream provided they are able to churn out content that is anything bar utterly, totally shithouse. And Ulduar is definitely not shithouse. It's a reasonably fun, easy raid with pretty graphics and a woefully anaemic storyline. It's not amazing, but it's not horrible either.
The thing that makes me angry is that standing on its own merits, there's no way I'd keep paying my monthly sub to play through it. Hell if it was a single-player game I probably wouldn't even buy it. And I get so confused when I think about the sense of menace I felt going into Black Temple in TBC, and I wonder how these two raids could have been created by the same people.
So, can't raid, can't quit. Only one option left then...