Sunday, 10 May 2009

What the hell, man?

So, I'm Drew, I used to sing in a metal band, I play a lot of World of Warcraft, and I make a habit of writing sarcastic ranting monologues into internal emails at work and random forums and assorted other places where they will never be seen by the wider internet-dwelling population of planet Earth.
Up until now I have persevered in the belief that this is actually a good thing, but people keep telling me I should do more with myself and put my writing "out there", and also stop clogging up the office email with foul language and pictures of cats. So, as a result, this blog has now been born, screaming and snapping its foul, hungry demon beak for the attention of millions of indifferent too-cool wwweb-denizen bastards worldwide. Its subject is simple: "World of Warcraft", and "Things that make Drew angry". My rage is somewhat legendary and can be quite startling, even to those who are used to it, hence the awesome clever title of the blog. "Wow! Rage!" except it's like...WoW as an acronym for World of Warcraft, and that creates the double-entendre which...oh nevermind. Why are you here? I mean, really? Don't you have Twitter posts to make? Or restaurants to look up on your iPhone?

I swore I'd never write a blog. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

Anyway, moving right along: I also make comics. Being a generally furious man, I instantly took a liking to the Rage Guy meme the first second I saw it. If you don't know about Rage Guy, the concept is simple. He's a guy who is angry about things that happen. Like me!! Oh, I love you Rage Guy.

I took my new love of Rage Guy, and I combined it with my old self-harming dependancy for World of Warcraft, and I made a bunch of comics and posted them on my guild forums. People there said they were stupid and I should post them somewhere else, so HERE YOU ARE INTERNET. I hope you enjoy them.


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