Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Comic #5: Yogg-who??


Guys?? Uh...Titans we saved? Kirin-Tor dudes?


Does anyone want to know that the evil immortal being threatening the entire continent of Northrend has been destroyed?


Ok...guess I'll...uh...pick up my epix and be on my way then :(

Seriously, with the introduction of phasing and the strength of the WoW lore and the amount of storytelling experience Blizzard have, so so so much more could have been done with the buildup and the aftermath of this encounter. It could have been so much more atmospheric, so much more dynamic, so much more alive than it is. You kill him, he dies, you're left standing in a cave with a dead Old God and a bunch of silent Titans watching you. Nobody even says "Well done" when you get back outside. Nobody's even happy that you did it. The titans don't thank you. You are greeted with a crashing wave of indifference. And that kinda makes you feel like you just shouldn't have fucking bothered.

In the past, when you killed a raid boss, you took its head and put it on a pike in the middle of your city, for everyone to see. Or a giant burning sigil appeared in the air in the middle of Shattrath. There was a satisfying consequence to your actions. Even if it was just A'Dal saying "Grats" and giving you a ring and a title for killing Magtheridon, there was something. This time around, apparently, nobody gives a damn.

Anyway, comic:

1 comment:

  1. Dude, seriously, You get the stuff you're referring to after killing Algalon. You get a nice sparkling fountain in dalaran with zomg-we'resocool-l4z00rs. QQ more
